Loading a Flight

To load a flight into VideoF2B for AR processing, follow these steps:

  1. Choose File ‣ Load in the main menu.

  2. Click the Browse for file button of the Video source box:


    Fig. 14 The “Load a Flight” dialog window. Specify all flight parameters here.

  3. Choose the desired video on your computer and click the Open button.


    Fig. 15 File browsing dialog. This may look different on your computer.

  4. Click the Browse for file button of the Calibration file box.

  5. Choose the calibration file that you created during camera calibration.


    Be sure to choose the calibration file that corresponds to the camera and lens that were used to record the video you selected above.


    If F2B markers are not available, but you still want to create video that corrects for camera distortion (using your camera’s calibration file), turn on the option Skip camera location. Note that in this case, entry of AR-related parameters is disabled and Augmented-Reality graphics will not be drawn.

  6. Enter the following AR-related parameters:

    Flight radius (m)

    The flight radius of the recorded flight, in meters.

    Height markers: distance to center (m)

    The horizontal distance from the center of the flight circle to the F2B markers, in meters.

    Height markers: height above center of circle (m)

    The elevation of F2B markers above the pilot’s feet at the center of the flight circle, in meters.


    Please use meters for the above three parameters.

  7. Click the Load button or just press the Enter key.