Field setup

Before you go to the field, please read Placing the Camera to learn how to place the camera correctly in the field for best results.


DO NOT record the videos handheld!

ALWAYS mount the camera to a sturdy tripod or similar.

DO NOT move or adjust the camera setup while recording a flight.

To produce Basic videos of flights, you only need a suitable camera and a tripod.

TODO: photo of an example setup for basic video.

To produce AR videos, more effort may be required. If your flying site already has FAI F2B markers installed around the flight circle, then the surveying work is already done. Just measure the distance from circle center to the markers. The elevation of the markers above the circle center should be 1.5 meters in that case.

TODO: photo of an example setup for AR video.

If your field does not have F2B markers, you can install them yourself with some specialized equipment. You will need at least a self-leveling rotary laser system and a laser distance measuring tool.

TODO: perhaps a separate chapter on how to DIY field markers, the recommended layout tools and technique, etc.???

The recommended dimensions and placement of markers are described in Annex 4F, Appendix II of the FAI Sporting Code.