The User Interface

VideoF2B processes one video at a time in the main window.

The main VideoF2B window

Fig. 1 The main VideoF2B window

The general areas of the main application window are as follows:

  • The menu bar at the top provides access to general operations in VideoF2B. Use the File menu to load videos for processing. The Tools menu provides useful tools and calculators.

  • User controls are enabled when processing Augmented-Reality videos. This area is disabled when processing Basic videos.

  • The video area is the largest portion of the main window. It displays the video that is being processed.

  • Messages to the user are displayed in the message area below the video and user controls. Every message is time-stamped with the local date and time of the user’s computer.

  • The status bar along the bottom displays the name of the loaded video file, occasional instructions, the elapsed time in the video, and a progress bar.